2024 was the 10th birthday of our big beautiful geodesic dome Roundabout, and we’re so proud to have celebrated it in style, with the biggest and best year at Edinburgh so far.

We hosted 9 new plays, 5 one-off late night shows, and 193 performances in total to over 23,000 audience members. We marked and celebrated these past ten years with all of the love, energy and good vibes that we and our audiences have come to expect when we take our seats in this unique theatre.

Edinburgh is such a special time for our company, and each year we spend a lot of time considering, discussing, reading and reimagining a new programme of work for Roundabout that will thrill audiences. Summerhall is an incredible home for Roundabout, however due to a combination of factors including Summerhall’s circumstances over the past few months, we are pausing on returning to the festival with Roundabout for this year.

We have decided instead to focus the rest of 2025 on a brand new programme of touring plays and artist support – in our new home in Coventry, at the Edinburgh Fringe, and across the country.

Stay tuned: we can’t wait to announce these plans in the months to come.

We are still trying to raise money to make all of this (and much more) happen, and we need your help. At the beginning of this landmark year, we set ourselves the goal of raising a minimum of £50,000 to continue our work.

We are now 70% towards that target, but we still need a lot of help to reach it.

Next up is our 50th anniversary fundraising gala on 10 February with amazing guest actors and directors performing extracts from some of Paines Plough’s best loved plays, celebrating the company’s 50 years with a few surprises on the evening in store. You can join us by buying tickets here: https://www.criterion-theatre.co.uk/painesplough

If you can’t make the gala, there are other ways to get involved. Please tell your friends to tell a friend about us, buy a ticket to one of our shows, come along to one of our book club gatherings, or if you can, please donate to our crowdfunding page here: https://donate.justgiving.com/charity/painesplough/donation-amount
