Support Us

Two women posing together in front of a wooden wall.

Since 1974, Paines Plough has supported over 500 writers to develop and produce the best new writing across the UK, reaching over 30,000 people each year.

To celebrate the company turning 50 this year, we have launched our #50for50 fundraising campaign.

#50for50 aims to raise £50,000 over the year to enable us to platform, produce and tour ground-breaking new plays, and nurture the next generation of writers.

Anything you can give – however big or small – will help us to continue our mission to support new writing in the UK and beyond.

You can support us by making a one-off or regular donation or buying tickets to one of our shows this year.

Or, you can get in touch with us to discuss becoming part of our longer term donor circle by emailing

Donate Now

Thank you, your support means everything to us.

Name a seat in Roundabout

Keeping Roundabout on the road is thanks to the generous support of our friends, without whom we wouldn’t be able to commission excellent new work, give people their very first theatre experience or discover tomorrow’s celebrated playwrights.

You can help us by naming a seat in the auditorium. By donating you will join our friends and supporters to help us raise funds to make great work. We can only do what we do because of you, and we so deeply value your support.

To name a seat we are suggesting a donation of a minimum of £300 but any additional support will take us one step closer to ensuring Roundabout’s ongoing success. Our designers will create a bespoke thank you for your support, which will travel around the country on your seat in the Roundabout and we will thank you on our website.

Thank you, we are so delighted you share our ambition, we couldn’t keep Roundabout on the road without you.

Our Supporters

The 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust

The Noel Coward Foundation

Kim Grant

Anne and James McMeehan Roberts

Bridget O’Brien-Twohig

The Williams Charitable Trust