Four survivors of a Spanish anarchist commune must hold a road against the Fascist army; just for a few hours, that is, as a futile gesture towards the dying Republic. They are joined by two mysterious gypsies and by an Englishman on a bicycle; the latter is on his way to the front where he intends to spend three months fighting Franco. He and his motives are the central concern of the play: his commitment is self-fulfilling; he seeks the war as his countrymen now seek the sun, a tourist on the battlefield. The play begins as a piece of politico-historical realism and develops into disorientating fantasy.
Writer’s note: Civil wars are the worst. Families are split, friendships destroyed, and afterwards there is no real peace. The war dies out as the generation dies. How did the Spanish war attract people? Inside it there were people who wanted to get out; outside there were people who wanted to get to Spain and fight; and finally, there were those who moved around just that moment ahead of destruction, non-combatants whose only weapon was the road.