Duncan Macmillan (writer of Lungs and Every Brilliant Thing) sent us a 50th birthday message about what Paines Plough means to him. Here’s what he wrote to us…

The first contemporary play I saw was produced by Paines Plough. Before that I assumed all playwrights were long dead.

When I started to write, it was Paines Plough who first responded to my rough, unsolicited scripts, the first to meet with me and give me feedback, the first to take me seriously as a writer. Paines Plough gave me a space to write, chances to experiment, opportunities to hear my work in front of audiences. When they invited me to become their Writer in Residence, it was the first time I’d ever been paid to be a writer.

They produced my play Lungs and developed and premiered Every Brilliant Thing. Neither of these plays would exist without Paines Plough.

Through this company I have encountered plays that have expanded my idea of what theatre can be, and met lifelong collaborators and friends.

As a truly national company, with an incredible record of discovering and nurturing some of our most important writers, reaching audiences and communities who are underrepresented and doing it all with passion, rigour and inclusivity, there’s no company quite like it.

Happy Birthday, Paines Plough!

Paines Plough’s 50 for 50 campaign

Since 1974, Paines Plough has supported over 500 writers to develop and produce the best new writing across the UK, reaching over 30,000 people each year.

To celebrate the company turning 50 this year, we have launched our #50for50 fundraising campaign.

#50for50 aims to raise £50,000 over the year to enable us to platform, produce and tour ground-breaking new plays, and nurture the next generation of writers.

Anything you can give – however big or small – will help us to continue our mission to support new writing in the UK and beyond.

You can support us by making a one-off or regular donation or buying tickets to one of our shows this year.
